Health Blog

Feb20th 2023

Living With Sciatica? Say Goodbye to Chronic Pain With This Secret!

Physical therapy holds the key to pain relief. Our bodies are composed of a complex network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Your sciatic nerve is the largest nerve you’ve got in your body. It extends from the lumbar spine through the buttocks area, and if there is unnecessary pressure applied to it, it can

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Feb10th 2023

Suffering From Shoulder Pain? Physical Therapy Can Help!

Here are five common causes of shoulder pain you may not be aware of Most people probably go about their day without giving much thought to how they are using their shoulders. Did you know that your shoulders do a good bit of work to help you accomplish everyday tasks? If you injure or strain

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Living-with-Arthritis-Doesnt-Mean-You-Have-to-Live-in-Pain Jan20th 2023

Living with Arthritis Doesn’t Mean You Have to Live in Pain

Find Relief for Your Arthritic Aches and Pains Almost a quarter of all American adults have arthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This means that over 54 million people are affected by stiff, achy, swollen, and sore joints on a daily basis. If you or a loved one is suffering

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